Friday, April 27, 2007

Dictionary of Poltical Correctness

Bill Otis of the ACRU Blog has begun a Dictionary wherein he "defines" politically correct" (or, incorrect, depending upon your perspective) words and phrases. Its quite funny and worth looking at all the early entries. Otis indicates that he will continue to add "definitions" and invited readers to make submissions.

Here are a couple of the initial "definitions":

Diversity - Diversity is an outcome that (1) can't be defended on its own merit and (2) therefore has to be glommed together with a bunch of other things so that people won't notice fact (1). Thus, when an academically less qualified minority group member is given a slot in the entering class over a non-minority group member with demonstrably better academic skills, this is "justified" because, "taken as a whole," it gives the incoming class "diversity."

Multiculturalism - Multiculturalism is a big word meaning, "The West stinks." The shorthand version is, "America stinks." Under multiculturalism, George Washington, a slave-owning white male with no accomplishments of note, is out, and Che Guevara, an anti-imperialist leader, is in.

Go to the Blog for a few more. The site is interesting in its own right.
(Hat-tip to PowerLine)

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