Saturday, May 10, 2008

Would You Buy A Used Ferry From This Man?

Former Rochester Mayor, William A. "Bill" Johnson, has appeared as a guest essayist this past week in both the Democrat & Chronicle and the Messenger Post Newspapers. Mr. Johnson is a member of former Lt. Governor Stan Lundine's Commission on Local Government Consolidation. Johnson has been a long-time proponent of metro government in the Rochester area. Apparently he was chosen to be the local "salesman" for the Commission's recommendations.

Is it just me, or do others find it incredibly ironic that the man most responsible for the Fast Ferry and High Falls fiascoes is lecturing us on ways to cut local government spending and taxes? Bill Johnson is going to convince us that he has a plan to bring efficient, business-like, and rational government to the area? And the way to do that is to abolish the mostly prosperous and efficient Town governments and replace them with a super-sized City (metro) government, run by the people (like him) who ran the City to the brink of bankruptcy?

I still vote no.

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