Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Will He Play Himself On SNL?

Al Franken was sworn in today as Minnesota's junior Senator.

I am not aware of any person during my adult life who I believe was less qualified to be a US Senator (with the possible exception of Illinois Sen. Burris) than Franken.

Minnesotans are an odd bunch. They elected a wrestler as their Governor and now a comedian as a Senator. At least when they elected Jesse Ventura as Governor, only they had to deal with him. Their election of Franken as Senator affects us all.

He wasn't that funny on Saturday Night Live. He is, however, one of the biggest jokes to hit the Senate in US history. I can only assume that Hubert Humphrey is turning over in his grave.


Rubes said...

John, the MOST unqualified person for the Senate ever? A tad hyperbolic, don't you think? He is a Harvard grad and a pubished author. He is smarter than most of the (unintentional) comedians in that "august" body....and that includes both sides of the aisle.

repoman said...

Well, Rubes, someone is or was the least qualified person to become a US Senator. Franken is at least in the top (bottom?) 10%.

Obviously, I don't know everything about every Senator who has served, but on experience and temperment, Franken in the Senate is appalling.