Thursday, September 3, 2009

Schizophrenia At The D&C

Today's editorial in the D&C admonishes citizens to "Tone It Down" at Town Hall meetings. While reading the piece, I had a number of thoughts.

First, note that the editorial was located directly above the "Fed Up With Albany" campaign coupon that the paper has been pushing for months. So I guess we're supposed to be "fed up" with but "respectful" of politicians. I wonder if anyone asked the participants in the Boston Tea Party to "tone it down"?

Next, the editorial noted Eric Massa's belief that Americans are angry at their government. Is it any wonder that we're angry when we have representatives like Mr. Massa, who vow to "vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think what I'm doing is going to help them" and who claim that they represent "one of the most right-wing, Republican districts in the State"? Sorry, I think we are all entitled to loudly criticize such "representation".

Frankly, its well past time our representatives have heard from us. The long-running circuses in Washington and many State Capitols are evidence that our so-called leaders need to get a tongue-lashing from the people they are supposed to represent and protect. The one and only way in which politicians have been bi-partisan has been in their substituting personal and special interests for the will and welfare of their constituents.

Finally, the editorial speaks of "Jerry Springeresque" behavior by participants at Town Halls. Just what is the behavior the editorial speaks of? Raised voices? Shouting at politicians who spout platitudes and half-truths (if not out-and-out lies)? Perhaps if the media did its job of challenging politicians and calling them on their BS, citizens would not need to take extreme measures? Instead the media acts as apologist for Obama, Massa, and the rest. The D&C shows it is little more than a left-wing house organ by writing the editorial and perpetuating the myth that the protesters have been violent and threatening.

So, no, don't "tone it down". Ratchet up your voices and let the politicians know that we have reached the tipping point. If they don't listen, we have to follow up the protests with votes throwing the bums out.


King Dinglefritz said...

Harumph, Harumph!
I was actually able to read today's paper and was lucky enough to read this particular editorial in question as the paper has vanished from my place of employment. Hmm, maybe they do not want some left wing rag to pollute my already feeble mind but I digress.
I agree both sides should be heard but nothing gets done when people start acting like baboons when it is their turn to ask a question. I am sure well over 95% of the people who attend these town hall meetings want to ask their questions and receive the answer in a civil way.
Eric Massa is going to be a one term congressman anyways, and he knows it, so he can take the stand that he wants single payer and will fight for it no matter what. That is his choice. Maybe because of his stand we may get a better bill through Congress, but I seriously doubt it.
The only way we can end the circus in Albany is to clean house at the next election. Paterson has got to go as, even though I like the guy, he seems to be very ineffectual. The thing is everyone believes their representitive in Albany is great and everyone else's representitives are slugs so they keep voting for their incumbent. As this will happen in all districts we will have the same band of idiots in Albany after the next vote is held and that is a shame. What is nice about my Kingdom is that it is a monarchy without elected people to mess things up. Just a Queen who loves to stimulate the area's economy with her deficit spending.
In regards to Jerry Springer I agree with you since, as far as I know, there have not been too many fights during these and no discussions of inbreeding at these Town Hall meetings.
In conclusion I agree that the people should be heard loudly, but orderly. They should be mindful of the vast majority of the people there that want these meetings to be civil and not the three ring circus that you seem to be advocating.

Anonymous said...


Republican Governor Sanford is asked to resign by 60 members of his own party. He says, "No way, GOD( use a Bill Buckley tone) wants me to stay."

Republican Rep Joe Wilson calls the President of the United States a liar during a nationally televised sppech, while seated at a joint session of the nation's highest legislative chambers.

All of this in just 2 days. I hope the reform package increases the coverage for mental health, since it appears the Republican Party should be placed on suicide watch.

repoman said...


I don't think much of Gov. Sanford, nor did I like Rep. Wilson shouting at the President.

I must say, however, that Pres. Obama has not hesitated to call his opponents liars; he implicitly called Sarah Palin a liar in last night's speech. Further, he has made a number of statements that could legitimately be considered lies, such as his claim that he won't sign a health care bill that will add a dime to the deficit.

Did you notice that last night the President said that 30 million Americans were without health insurance? Less than a month ago, in a speech in Portland New Hampshire, he said more than 46 million people were lacking health care. Where did the difference come from? One way would be by deducting the estimate of illegal aliens in the country who are without health care. Wonder why he lowered his number? A cynic might say to deflect guys like Wilson.

One more thing, Democrats have short memories. When George Bush gave his 2005 State of the Union speech and brought up Social Security reform, Democrats shouted "No" and booed him; the GOP doesn't have a monopoly on boorish behavior.

One more hypocrisy, when George H. W. Bush did a speech to school childre, the Democrat controlled Congress actually launched an investigation into the legality of his doing so.

My point?

Partisanship is rampant on all sides. If Mr. Obama and liberals want to stop partisan behavior, let them go first. The speech last night ignored the Americans who now by a majority do not want any health care reform. Why? Because to President Obama and liberals, the average guy is a dolt who can't be allowed to make his/her own decisions Ask Eric Massa (who says he'll vote against the will of his red-neck constituents because he knows better), ask Louise Slaughter (she said it was beneath her dignity to even have a town hall).

Frankly, I'm tired of holier-than-thou liberals telling me I should be embarrassed by conservatives' conduct. Liberals can't take the "heat" of a heated argument over tough issues. They always resort to ad hominems about the ignorance of the average guy.

Anonymous said...

I urge to ask the gates town board to send Gates police officers for a training session with G.E.M.S. and I was unable to convince Gates town board and Republican candidates to keep freedom alive and help keep our kids safe that the cable 12 west public access provided,they voted to shut it down, I can only afford $25 but I will send it. Both groups help protect and save our kids from sexual predators. Please pass the word. Thank you
Rocco Mastrangioli I had weekly reports from these groups and with public access it gave us another way to fight these criminals.

Anonymous said...

Is the DOT in cahoots with the tire sellers in Gates? I am talking about the sharp bumps now inhabiting Elmgrove Road. Could they have not been milled down a little bit to make them less of a hazard to go over? I have seen more than one hubcap lying in the street lately because of these bumps. I applaud the effort to make Elmgrove a nice road but to leave it a milled route of terror for an extended period of time is not fun.