Saturday, December 19, 2009

Post Newspapers Follow D&C Lead

It appears that the Messenger-Post Newspapers are headed in the same direction as the D&C. First the D&C got smaller and cut its op-ed pages in half. Now the Messenger-Post has followed suit. Too bad, the op-ed columns were the main reason to read the paper.

From the looks of the latest edition of the Gates-Chili Post, the MP papers are also following the D&C in another way, namely as GOP bashers. Between the guest essay by Democrat County Legislators Esposito and O'Brien and Mark McIntee's partisan LTE, it seems clear that the tone of the editorial page at the MP Newspapers is headed decidedly anti-GOP.

Its OK by me though. The all-out effort by the D&C to keep "GOP scandals" in the paper and the Democrats one issue campaigning was totally ineffective. I guess they did not learn any lessons.

I'm a little surprised at the Post, however. If they took a more balanced approach, they might actually attract some of the readers fleeing from the D&C in droves. Instead they have chosen to be D&C lite. I'll keep reading....for the cuopons.

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