Saturday, July 31, 2010

Partisan Decision-Making

The recent decision striking down part of Arizona's new immigration law was a clear example of "result-oriented jurisprudence".

Judge Bolton simply ignored the proper basis for review of the Obama Administration's request for an injunction and reached the result desired by her liberal instincts. You can read scholarly analysis of the decision at National Review Online

My view is that the Obama administration is blind to the result of their "victory". This is yet another example of liberals in positions of power telling us "unwashed" that we don't know what's good for us. The President tells us that the Arizona law is bad and he sues the State of Arizona to stop its enforecement. This despite the fact that clear majorities around the country think the law is the right idea. A Rasmussen poll out today says that 68% of Americans believe we should complete a border fence.

I can only hope that in November the American people remind President Obama and Judge Bolton that we live in a democratic republic and that "important" people like them derive their power from the consent of the governed. And the governed can withdraw their consent!

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