Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chris Christie For President

I have become a huge fan of Chris Christie, the Governor of New Jersey. This guy is the real deal. I have seen several video clips of Christie dealing with critics. He is consistently able to articulate his views both forcefully and fairly.

I love the fact that his opponents claim he is harsh. What that means is that he disagrees with them, exposes the hollowness of their arguments, and refuses to back down in the face of their criticism.

This guy should be the front-runner for the GOP nomination for President. He is the man for the times.

Check him out in the video at the end of this post. It is worth watching.

1 comment:

A Secular Franciscan said...

I'd vote for him - if Huckabee doesn't run. Too bad a Huckabee/Christie ticket doesn't seem likely (Though I'd really like it!).