Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sign of the Apocalypse

I know I'm getting old, but I really don't get Facebook, Twitter, etc. The whole world of texting, social networking, reality TV and the like, seem to be the realm of the young (but often, in my view, the inane).

In any event, this post by Crabbylami, pretty much sums up my view on the topic. The author has the same "mature" (read: older person's) take on the state of celebrity worship, reality TV and social networking. It's a smart and humorous piece and an enjoyable read. It will remind you of Erma Bombeck (if you're old enough to remember her columns).

1 comment:

King Dinglefritz's Blog of Moronica said...

I do not know how you found that but I agree. Watching that reality crappola is like sticking a straw in your ear and having your brain hoovered out. All of these so called pseudostars drive me nuts. I could care less about the Kardashians or Snooki or any twit that is trying to crew the next guy on Survivor. I was in Wegman's the other day and I overheard a mother tell her little girl that after finishing shopping we will go home and watch Jersey Shore. Talk about numbing a poor little kid's mind.