Sunday, October 14, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For

President Obama regularly claims that the American people should give him more time to fix our economy because he was handed such a gigantic economic mess. He likes to claim that he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Well, in addition to his claims making him sound like a whiner, they may be demonstrably wrong, as well.
This blog post offers an opposing view.

Moreover as Lloyd Tackitt (via Instapundit) notes, Obama asked for the job: “Obama didn’t inherit a bad economy, he applied for the job of fixing it. He literally begged to get his hands on it so he could fix it. He ran a competitive campaign to get the job of fixing it and shouted about how bad of a condition it was in. Now he twists it so that it sounds like it was something dumped on him he didn’t really want. He has gone from bragging that only he could fix it, to whining that it was worse than he expected. Why is it that no one calls him out on this? I haven’t heard even the most conservative of pundits call him on this.”

I agree. Obama asked for the chance. We gave it to him. He failed.

Next contestant!

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