Sunday, November 10, 2013

Presidential Prevarication

Let's face it. Our President has a problem telling the truth.

His Obamacare promises..."If you like you current policy, you can keep it. Period!"...and..."if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period!"...are now clearly shown to have been a campaign ploy.

Now he "apologizes", so to speak. What exactly is he apologizing about? It appears that he's sorry that we didn't realize he was lying in the first place. NBC's Chuck Todd, who elicited the "apology" in a recent interview, subsequently noted that he thinks that the Presedent does not believe what he said was a lie. This despite aides having been quoted (in a Wall Street Journal report) as saying they told Mr. Obama that his "you can keep" it line was not accurate.

Our President will say anything to get and keep his job and to get his way on governmental matters. You see, I guess his view is that if a statement helps him in the campaign of the moment, it must be true.

If only we had a free and unbiased media.

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