Monday, September 1, 2014

Strategy? Obama Doesn't Even Have a Strategery.

John Hinderaker at PowerLine is one of my favorite political pundits. He's smart, conservative, and a lawyer to boot.

In this PowerLine Post, Hinderaker outlines the true depths of the failure of the President and his administration as it relates to ISIS. The Obama Administration's foreign policy is a joke and his key advisors, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel are not ready for prime time.

The press gives some signs of waking to the disaster that is in the offing, but I fear that two more years of Obama's bumbling will lead to an ever increasing risk of a deadly terrorist attack on our shores.

No expects the President to have all the answers, but he could at least give the appearance of a man trying to find them. His obvious disdain for the military and for any kind of diplomatic confrontation, has kept him from dealing with multiple threats to our interests.

Somewhere Jimmy Carter must be smiling, because President Obama has relieved him of the title of "worst President ever". Meanwhile George W. Bush and his stategery for the terrorists is looking pretty good.


Here's more by Hinderaker on the need to deal with these terror groups immediately and decisively...while we still can!

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