Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Great Divide

It remains to be seen whether or not the Sarah Palin pick turns out to be the decisive move of the 2008 Presidential campaign. Obviously, if she can successfully take on Joe Biden in the VP debate, it will be seen as a vindication of McCain's decision.

What seems beyond debate, however, is the fact that her nomination has exposed the wide gulf between the big city media and inside-the-beltway punditry on the one hand and the average guy (and gal) on the other. The enthusiasm of the GOP base, the swelling crowds of spectators at campaign stops and the spike in donations all speak to the connection Sarah Palin has made with so many Americans. Many of us are head over heels for her. There is something about her that simply resonates.

The contrast with the media is amazing. It is quite funny to listen to the pundits hedge their bets on the "Palin effect". Will it last? Will she make a blunder? Is there a skeleton in her closet? The talking heads want to appear cool , reserved and above it all. They want to be in a position to shake their heads knowingly should she fail. They can't let on that they "feel it" too.

Who knows? Its only been a week. She may turn out to be a flash in the pan (as so many lefty journalists, telling us that these polls are meaningless, hope she will be). My money is on her, though. She is just a breath of fresh air in the musty world of national politics. So many of us hope that she and John McCain will prevail and bring some real and valuable changes to Washington.

I haven't felt so un-cynical about politics for a long time. I sure hope Sarah and John can make this feeling last.

1 comment:

Cincinnatus said...

Can you send me your e-mail address? Cincinnatus@monroerising.com