Thursday, September 4, 2008


John McCain had a bit of a tough assignment. He had to follow one of the greatest political performances most Americans have ever seen. He did a pretty good job.

One commentator pointed out that McCain secured the GOP base with the Palin pick so he was free to try to be "the old maverick McCain" from 2000. He did criticise the GOP as having "lost its way" and did emphasize the "scars" he got in some of his battles with the party establishment.

Another twist, McCain downplayed the experience angle (to some extent, he's already won that battle) and went to a newer theme of being a "fighter" and seeking change but "the right kind of change".

I'd call it a good speech, especially in the context of the Palin boom.

One last thing, I read a comment from the National Review Online wherein the writer suggested that in addition to energizing the base, Palin seems to have energized McCain, as well.

I think that's right.

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