Thursday, October 23, 2008

Opinion Polls and Tea Leaves

There have been a number of polls released recently that have some Conservatives hoping against hope that McCain still has a shot. His supporters are trying to sift through the data to divine some sign of a tightening of the race.

I remain hopeful but skeptical.

Lets face it, McCain is campaigning hard in North Carolina and Indiana. He's fighting to hold on to Florida and Missouri. Virginia hasn't voted Democrat since 1964, but it appears lost to Obama. If these are the toss-up states, I fear an electoral vote bloodbath.

We can only hope Obama doesn't have coattails. Republicans need to hang on to enough seats in the Senate and House to remain relevant. Right now, that's not guaranteed. It could be a long, cold four years.

UPDATE: As if we needed confirmation, check out this article from the US News.


Anonymous said...

Why so glum? The country has had good stints under democratic leadership. You make it sound like Quincy, M.E. is about to do a post mortem the day after election day.
What we need is another FDR type to lead us out of the mess "W" has left us. The proposed new stimulus package sounds an awful lot like the public works bills that were passed in the 30s. It will be interesting to see if it gets passed and in what form. Will Obama be another FDR? Probably not but he cannot be any worse than what we have had for the past 8 years. Even you, conservative that you are, have to grudgingly agree with that. I believe we cannot have 4 more years of the same old stuff. The democrats have always been know to be the party that can deal with the economy, well here is their chance. If they screw things up a democrat may not be elected president again for a loooong time. If that happens it might be time to reform the old Whig party.

repoman said...


I'm not suggesting that the mere fact that a Democrat will be President is a problem. But this President, with the Congress we are likely to have, will enact some radical changes.

As I have noted before, more than 40% of Americans pay no taxes. That number will increase in an Obama administration. When the percentage of Americans paying no taxes exceeds the percentage who do, we are in big trouble.

How much government would you want if you did not have to pay for it. "Spread the wealth" sounds good to more and more people, because they think they will be "spread-ees" not "spread-ers".

Look at what has happened in the past couple of weeks. The government has all but nationalized the financial industry. This under a GOP administration. I've read some commentary which seems to indicate that this move will be seen as "cover" for Obama and the liberals if they make similar moves.

Hold on to your wallet!

Anonymous said...

40%? Thats a lot of non taxpayers. Whats going to happen if the unemployment rate goes sky high? Today's paper indicated a huge increase in first time filers, 478,000 to be precise. 400,000 is considered to be recession teritory. That means more people collecting benefits and the 40% number creeping even higher during THIS administration. Maybe America needs a New Deal again. What really needs to happen is money that is going abroad needs to stay here. It needs to be invested back into this country for infrastucture projects, that are desperately needed, that will put people to work. Money invested here will stay here and will help improve our economy. People put to work by this investment pay taxes. It worked before and it should work again. Whomever gets elected is going to have one hell of a mess to deal with from day one. Why would anyone, in their right mind, want this job???
Maybe I should ask my boss for a raise so I can put more money into the economy.