Sunday, March 1, 2009

Getting Bigger By The Hour

That's what's happenning to government spending, our national debt, and the level of government control over our daily lives.

There have been countless articles and posts regarding the massive spending President Obama and Congressional Democrats are using to effect sweeping changes in our government and society. I am among the many critics who hoped for the best with Obama but expected, and appear to be getting, the worst.

I give you two articles tonight on the topic. The first is a PowerLine post by John Hinderaker. I offer this one as a prayer of hope that Hinderaker is on to something when he claims that the general public is already beginning to question where Obama and the Dems are taking us. The second is an article by Mark Steyn in the National Review Online. I link to Steyn so that you can have a few laughs at the way he skewers the incredible spending which is going on.

Steyn's piece is both funny and scary, however. While he pokes fun at Obama's plans, the truth is that Obama is engaging in this stuff without any end in sight. Steyn concludes with this:

"Is the new all-powerful Statezilla vulnerable to anything? Unfortunately, yes. He loses all his superpowers when he comes into contact with something called Reality. But happily, Reality is nowhere in sight. There are believed to be some small surviving shards somewhere on the planet — maybe on an uninhabited atoll somewhere in the Pacific — but that’s just a rumor, and Barack Obama isn’t planning on running into Reality any time soon."

As you read the article, you may have the sense that you are laughing on your way to the poorhouse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reality? They did find it. They found it on Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific and we all know what they did to Bikini Atoll.