Saturday, March 27, 2010

You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry

In the wake of the passage of Obamacare, several large corporations announced that the new law would have adverse effects on their health care costs and their bottom lines. Notably, AT&T announced that it was taking a One Billion Dollar write down against its revenues due to the effect of the repeal of the 28% Medicare Tax Credit which was contained in the law.

Well, the Commissars, oops, I mean the Democrats, are not amused. Henry Waxman and Bart Stupak have written to several of these companies and have asked them to testify before their Committee about how it's possible that the great blessing of health care reform they bestowed on us all could possibly have any negative effects. I guess the Dems think these CEO's got some 'splainin to do.

Andy McCarthy points out the pernicious nature of this effort in this NRO post. He calls our alleged leaders a "thugocracy". I'm afraid he's not far wrong.


Unknown said...

Everything that Washington does can be classified as either paying back those that helped Obama win or moving this country away from freedom and closer to Socialism. Sometimes they have the bonus where both missions are accomplished at the sometime, this is always cause for celebration in the white house. This is not a gradual movement, it is more like a freight train speeding down the tracks. Packed inside the train is everything that we as Americans hold near and dear to our hearts; liberty, freedom & pride. All that will be left of us is a shell of our once great nation.

repoman said...

I must say that I find this thinly-veiled intimidation effort by Waxman to be somewhat surprising. I guess the Democrats just don't care that they are exposing themselves as the statists that we thought they were.

King DingleFritz said...

I agree with the title of this. I have seen you when you are angry and you can make David Banner look like a wuss. Heaven forbid you have that maroon sweater on at the same time.
But all in all it is getting very tiring to hear about of of this partisan bitterness and bickering. The Dems hate the GOP, the GOP hates the Dems and it all goes round and round in one big circle. Soon the GOP will be in power again and the same thing will happen only in reverse. When will it ever stop? Can't we all just get along and work together for the betterment of America? It has gotten to the point where if something is worked on by both parties it is such BIG news that you would expect the networks to break into their programming to report it. I can see it now. This is Lou Dobbs breaking into coverage of the World Series...Congress today passed a law unanimously that says cancer is bad. Finally, solid proof that both parties can work together! Film and interviews at 11.

Unknown said...

Dear King DingleFritz;
One party believes that we are able as citizens to make our own decisions, choices and better our lives. If I chose to educate myself and work hard I should be able to enjoy the fruit of my labors, raise a family, and teach my children to defend freedom and enjoy the liberty that is theirs as American citizens. The other party believes that we should all live the same life style no matter our desire, choice or toil. That just because one person decided to not become educated, not work hard is not a reason that they should not enjoy the fruits of everyone else’s labor. This fundamental difference has become a greater divide as more people, by their own choice, become incapable of taking care of themselves or the offspring that they produce.
America will become a poor nation because of the loss of individual freedom due to the burden placed on hard working families in the form of taxes. This condition exists to increase revenue into a government that makes “spreading the wealth” a priority.
Fritz one of the two sides is fighting for you and the other against you. I ask you, which side are you cheering for, who do you want to win? Both is not an option!

King Dinglefritz said...

Dear Simon,
While you make some interesting points I do not truly believe that the one party wants everyone to live the same life style. That will never happen. I believe all that they really want to is to improve the lot of those less fortunate. For example, the unemployment rate is almost 10% right now. What are we to tell these people, sorry but you are out of luck and on your own. These people are out of work not by choice and deserve whatever help the government can provide until the economy improves so that they can go out and get jobs again. What needs to be done is to put an end to the welfare suckers that drain our finances. The baby factories that have kids just to get an increase in their Welfare checks. Those are people(leeches) that I detest.
No matter what party is in control, the rich will always stay rich and the poor will always be there. The poor that deserve our help should get it. I am not saying that they should get enough to become middle class but to be able to survive, to get an education and better themselves wherever possible. I have no pity on those that do not endeavour to improve their lot and just rely on handouts.
The thing is it is a matter of perspective who you consider is fighting for you. If you are well off its one side, but if you are unemployed or working your butt off just to make a living, put food on the table and pretty much survive from week to week then it is the other side. I do not make a lot of money and right now I am doing okay but it would not take much to put me in the struggling category but it is nice to know that if I ever get to a point where I am struggling there is someone there who is on my side until I am able to get back on my feet again.
The funny thing is that the one side said the exact same stuff about the New Deal back in the Thirties and when they finally obtained power in government in the Fifties they left the New Deal alone because it worked for all of the people of the United States.
PS: When it comes to tax rates we really do not pay near as much as people in other countries pay. Sweden, for example, has one hell of a tax rate but would you consider Sweden a poor country? No. People like Golisano end up paying far, far more in taxes there than they do here. But the people in Sweden get more in government services than we do here.
America will never be a poor nation.

Unknown said...

I believe that it is our duty to help those that can’t help themselves or have temporarily found themselves in a bind. That means that we help; unemployed that have otherwise worked hard and been an asset to society, mentally and physically handicapped, orphaned or had a parent pass on prior to finishing their education, Social security and Medicare for the elderly, and a few other folks that could not be self sustaining. Like you I don’t wish to spend a dime more in taxes to funnel dollars to those who decided to not reach out and meet their potential. A safety net system is needed but career welfare recipients are a drain on our society. If you or I were to loose all we have tomorrow, we should be able to receive benefits to survive and be retrained to once again enter the workforce and be an asset to society.
Trust me; there are those out there that don’t care if your tax dollars are spent to put people in a very comfortable lifestyle while not having to work. As a matter of fact there are a lot of people like that. They are stealing from you!
King, add your property tax, income tax, use tax and sale tax for a year. Take that number and multiply by 20%. How would you like to have that back to put toward college, home improvements, retirement, vacation, ect? Wouldn’t that make your life better? Come on…you have earned it, you worked for it. Or are you happy with someone spending that for you?
Why don’t we make a list of all the able body and mind people in New York State and spend money to train them to go to work. As we put people to work we can reduce the tax burden on business and attract more business to NYS so that more people can find jobs. When we have most able people employed and a thriving business community we can lower your total taxes; sales, use, income, property and you can have that money, that you have earned, to help your own family….Or lets continue down this path until your taxes are so high that you can’t afford to survive and the state is bankrupt.