Sunday, March 20, 2011

No Surprise

The Democrat & Chronicle today endorsed Tom Richards for Mayor of Rochester. Why did they waste the ink? Was there anyone in the area who thought they might do otherwise?

The D&C has toed the party line since the beginning of the process to replace Bob Duffy. They touted the undemocratic "special election" plan that Democratic party bosses wanted, they kept silent when the City Council effectively decided on the plan during a non"Open Meeting" (oh, where was the "sunshine"?), and they have criticised Bill Johnson and his effort to derail the coronation of Richards.

Frankly, I don't really like Richards and I wonder what real accomplishments he has in government. He thinks highly of himself, but the problems Rochester is facing are going to require more than hot air to fix. While I don't care that much about the outcome, I am hoping that Johnson wins, because it will be a win for the democratic process over the Democrat party.

Finally, the D&C's performance on this issue, like so many other things it does, confirms that it is aptly named. Few would dispute that the D&C feels its high calling is to "chronicle" the Democrat party line on every issue.


Anonymous said...

Did you see the "teaser" in the Sat paper....telling readers to watch for their endorsment on Sunday....The suspense was killing me.....I had to wait 24 hours to find out who the D&C endorsed!....yeah right..their was no chance the D&C wouldn't endorse Richards.

repoman said...

A lot of people I know say that they don't read the D&C, but I think its a great source of amusement.

King Dinglefritz's Blog of Moronica said...

How about that headline in Saturday March 12th's paper. The top headline was about the crummy weather that may interfere with the St. Patrick's Day parade. Then underneath that there was the secondary headline that, I guess, warranted less attention than the parade weather was close to "Tsunami destroys Japan". I just looked at that and shook my head. Only in Rochester.

repoman said...

The D&C is a testament to the demise of the old media.