Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The D&C Wonders About Gas Prices

The opinion page of the Democrat and Chronicle often provides my first laugh or frown of the day. It was a laugh Monday morning with this editorial.

The editorial headline asked "what's behind rising gas prices?" The editorial board apparently thinks like the President that speculators are the culprits. I guess these guys never heard of supply and demand. The President's policies have made it virtualy impossible to explore for and/or drill for new oil in this country. That has an obvious impact. The President (and the D&C) do not want to accept that fact.

Meanwhile, President Obama congratulates Brazil on their new oil discoveries and suggests that we can't wait to be a customer. Why don't we look for our own oil? Oh, yes, I've heard the President say we only have 2% of the world's proven oil reserves. Of course, that's mostly because our domestic oil companies aren't allowed to explore in the US, once agin, due to left-wing politics.

President Obama is trying to distract the public from the high price of gas (and food) by blaming "speculators". I don't think its working. $4.00/gallon gas is dragging down the economy. It may well drag down the President, as well.

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