Friday, February 9, 2007

Giuliani 24/7

Rudy has certainly become the "flavor-of-the-month" or, at least, the week, as far as '08 presidential handicapping goes.

He's being attacked from the right and the left. Its interesting to note that the left is suggesting that he's "too liberal" for the right and so are some on the right.

Rudy understands the stakes. He has started to explain his "liberal" views in a light more palatable to conservatives, without backtracking or flip-flopping. The following Time piece discusses that in detail:,8816,1587264,00.html

He obviously has some work to do. Consider John Hinderaker's views in this Power Line post commenting on a Washington Times story about Conservative dissatisfaction with the GOP front-runners:

Hinderaker properly points out that any conservative dreaming about Newt as President needs a wake-up call. Newt Gingrich might actually be one of the smartest and well-qualified guys around. But, its quite obvious that he is damaged beyond hope from his days as Speaker. If conservatives push him through to the GOP nomination, it would make the '08 election a bloodbath of major proportions for the Republican Party.

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