Thursday, February 8, 2007

Wither Global Warming?

This is a picture we can all relate to in Upstate New York. Especially if you live in Oswego. My kids had a day off because of wind chill.
Still, Global Warming has been declared a unanimous winner in virtually all corners. These days, to deny any of the orthodoxy of Global Warming is to be the equivalent of a "holocaust denier".
George Will had an interesting point in his recent Newsweek column. He asked if we (humans) should be willing to spend billions and to forego unknown billions in future economic growth to preserve our current climate conditions. He pointed out that the Earth has obviously been far cooler and far warmer than today (without human or SUV intervention) at various points in history. Will asked if the climate was morally better when the location of Chicago was buried beneath a one mile deep glacier or when it was warm enough for Vikings to farm Greenland (circa 900 A.D., when Greenland was, in fact, a green land).
The point is that humans and other creatures have adapted to changing climate conditions in the past. Presumably, we could do so in the future. Climate change zealots are, however, demanding that we forego our economic future on the theory that this time the climate change will be catastrophic.
I imagine that the last Viking to leave the then frozen-over Greenland (circa 1000 A.D.) did consider it a catastrophe. But the Vikings didn't cause it, they couldn't stop it, and the human race has gotten along OK without Greenland being green.
I'll bet we could survive without Greenland being frozen.


Anonymous said...

The idea of global warming makes me think of the Carbon Footprint idea. I was unaware of what it was but after being educated on the idea I felt that it fell right into the same category... what are your thoughts on the carbon foot print?

repoman said...

Given how much I hate winter, I'm trying to increase mine as much as possible. Calculate yours here:

These sites can't use a hyperlink.

Anonymous said...

Thats true.. the more we use the warmer it gets... I guess I am going to have to buy a diesel truck as my next car!