Monday, March 19, 2007

Blaming America First

There isn't much I can add to this superb analysis by Michael Barone of the reason that most liberals are usually so quick to claim that "we" (read: Americans and/or "the West") are to blame for most of the world's troubles. Thankfully people like Barone are around to remind us that "we" are actually the good guys.


Anonymous said...

Thoughts on the "Blame America First Article:

I think both political parties - as well as Barone in his article are missing a larger point.

The great majority of Americans are simply saying, "America First."

They know that America is not responsible for the wrongs of the world. They are tired of being told that they must fix the wrongs that exist with their blood and treasure. They know that American leadership spends far too much time and money focusing on the problems of the world rather than effectively dealing with the problems of American citizens.

Yes, I have the good fortune of living in a democracy and for example, my counterpart in Saudi Arabia does not. BUT THAT IS NOT MY PROBLEM. It's not my job to give him democracy. He should get it the same way this nation got it-go fight for it.
Does a Father with a wife and kids with no health care, want to hear Clinton or Bush talk about giving 10 billion bucks to fight AIDS in Africa? Hard working, low earning people want to hear what options exist for them when they can't afford 600-800 dollars a month in health care premiums. While AIDS in Africa is a terrible problem, IT IS NOT PRIMARILY OUR PROBLEM.

People yearn for a President who will say to Iraq- "WE FREED YOU WITH OUR BLOOD AND OUR TREASURE, NOW GO AN MAKE A COUNTRY FOR YOURSELVES. IT IS NOT OUR JOB TO BUILD IT FOR YOU." (which they would despite all the gloom and doom people who seem to think that the Iraqi people are incapable of working it out themselves. Thinking that reminds me much, of the lunancy associated with The White Mans' Burden, as well as it's inherent arrogance and racism. )

Bush in his compassionate thinking needs to know that most Americans think Mexico ought to develop itself and create its own jobs. The fact that hard working men and women of Mexico can't support their family within their own country IS MEXICO'S PROBLEM NOT OURS. Secure the dam borders!

We hear about a plan for Iraq that will fight the insurgency street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood. Hey, Hey listen up! What about our cities. Don't we need American leadership that will fight crime, the despair of drugs, chronic unemployment, crumbling schols, roads, housing- street by street- neighborhood by neighborhood. THE STATE OF AMERICAN CITIES IS OUR PROBLEM.

The "Blame America First" crowd is small in number and most likely populated by intellectual snobs who have never shovelled the shit out of a barn - or done any real work in their life. However, the "America First" numbers are hugh. It is the silent majority of the population. It is the unconscience reason why the majority want us out of Iraq. And from Iraq, to Katrina, to Walter Reed, to the Mexican border- it is the reason why George Bush is a failure.

repoman said...


I think there is a lot of truth to what you say.

Barone was focused on the "chattering classes", the elites in government, politics, business, and academia who are the "blamers".

There is no question that the first job of any government should be to take care of its own people. I'm sure there are many people in the country who would like our government to solve home-grown problems before we spend our money and effort overseas.

Still, history teaches us that when America tries to ignore the problems in the rest of the world, it does so at its peril. America "First-ism" sometimes morphs into nativism and isolationism, neither of which are good for the country.

Given the fact that so many problems in the world are inter-related, what we probably need is a leader who can find the "happy medium" between our domestic needs and our responsibility as a world power. It's obviously a very difficult task.

repoman said...


Thanks for your comment.

The videos on your site cracked me up! I'll be checking it out regularly.