Monday, March 26, 2007

Main Stream Media Running on Empty

John Hinderaker, writes in PowerLine, of the continuing losses in readership and revenue among the "giants" of the msm.

The piece points out that the potential demise of these outlets is not good news. His conclusion:

"There is a reason why mainstream news media, pretty much across the board, are struggling, and it isn't just the internet as a new medium. More fundamentally, consumers no longer trust the accuracy and integrity of mainstream news sources. This is not a new observation, but it's hard to see any serious effort to correct the problem. On the contrary, it seems that most media concerns are looking to even more subjectivity and show business for salvation."

Meanwhile, Tom Tobin, writing in the Rochester (NY) Democrat & Chronicle's editorial Blog, commented (without any irony intended) that Fox News was a biased news organization! This from an editor of a newspaper whose agenda-driven reporting and one-sided editorializing have to be read to be believed. Read his post (and the comments) here. I guess he thinks the D&C is really the "fair and balanced" news organization.

But for the sports and the weather report, I'm not sure anyone would bother with the D&C.

Still, as I wrote back in January, the trend in the media to splinter into "interest group" reporting entities is not a positive development for our democracy. I continue to be concerned that we may lose our ability to have a national "conversation" due to the demise of widely trusted, widely read/viewed media sources.

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