Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Give Them What They Want

It appears that Somali pirates went on a hijacking rampage in "retaliation" for American and French actions in killing pirates who were holding hostages. Their revenge included taking 4 boats with 60 hostages on board.

One pirate was quoted as follows: "Our latest hijackings were meant to show that no one can deter us from protecting our waters from the enemy because we believe in dying for our land".

I recently saw a bumper sticker regarding Islamic terrorists which sums up how I feel about the pirate's statement. In sum it said "[They] want to meet Allah; we should arrange the meeting." Well, if these pirates "believe in dying for their land", we should give them what they want.

Hopefully, President Obama will realize he made the correct decision in authorizing the use of deadly force to rescue the transport captain. That was only round one. Its time to send the message that piracy will not be tolerated.

1 comment:

Dinglefritz said...

Perfect!!!! I hope that Allah has plenty of virgins lined up for these so called pirate martyrs that will soon, i hope, be heading his way.