Monday, April 6, 2009

The Sum Of All My Fears

I am fast becoming a big fan of Mark Steyn.

Mark is a naturalized citizen, who immigrated to the U.S. from England. He is witty and satirical and his articles always leave me laughing while realizing that, if he's right, we are in big trouble. Unfortunately, I think he's right about the direction the U.S. is taking under the new Democrat majority in Washington.

In this article, Steyn describes the plans of the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats as "Europeanization" of America. I don't think he's far off base. Clearly, Obama's plans are the biggest expansion of government power over our lives in the history of America.

Read the article, but the part that worries me most is the point that Europe paid the costs of its "safety net" by eviscerating military budgets. They could do so because the U.S. was always there to back them up. But what happens when Obama decides to pay for his massive over-spending by cutting down our military?

Who will restrain Russia, China and Iran then?

Those of us who are in our 50's or older need not worry. We will be taken care of by the nanny state. And, the worst ramifications of these plans aren't likely to hit in our lifetimes.

But, God save our kids.

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