Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Election Messages

A review of this morning's newspaper and the local political blogs, reveals that the D&C's Editorial Board and Joe Morelle appear to be unsure about the message sent by voters in yesterday's election. I'd like to help them understand.

Joe: The voters wanted you to know that a campaign consisting of nothing but scandal-mongering is not going to cut it. You need to at least appear to have a plan of action for governing if you want to get elected.

D&C Editorial Board: The voters wanted you to know endorsements ought to amount to more than just cheer leading for folks who share your "progressive" perspective. You really should not use the same criteria (e. g., length of time in office) as a good point for candidates you favor and a disqualifier for those you do not.

Other messages:

To Sue Swanton: Harold Stassen called. He wants you to replace him on Wikipedia as the candidate who defines "political also-ran".

To Mark McIntee: You can't fire the Town Attorney (Actually, that was a message from me, not the voters.)

To the D&C Editorial Board: Get a new Ouija Board. Your endorsements made "Dewey Beats Truman" look prescient.

To President Obama: Please don't spend another trillion dollars. We are paying attention. If you stay on the path you are currently on, Election Day 2010 will make last night look good for Dems.


A Secular Franciscan said...

Oh, I loved the "Union Boss" ads up in Greece. Crude - and Republican!

A Secular Franciscan said...

I thought McIntee ran a good campaign. I was surprised Assini won by such a big margin.

McIntee's a decent guy, and I'm glad he's still on the Town Board.

repoman said...


There were definitely negative ads run by GOP candidates. My point here was simply that such ads cannot be 100% of a campaign.

The Gates Democrats ran a couple of "nice" ads, but they just did not give voters any reason to vote for them. The County Legislature ads by the Democrats were junk. While many of the GOP Leg. pieces were also bad, most of the Republican candidates had some positive pieces mixed in.

King Dinglefritz said...

Maybe we dems will now sit back and take notice of what works in an election, but knowing us, we won't. Getting routed should be a learning experience.

King Dinglefritz said...

I dunno. I still think that Gus Hall leads in getting his butt whipped in elections but Sue is catching up to him quickly. You do remember ol' Gus there Repoman with that trivia filled mind of yours.