Thursday, July 10, 2008

Developing Nations Cool To G8 Global Warming Trend

The world leaders at the G8 summit espoused their commitment to cutting global carbon emissions. China and India demurred.

As noted in this Daily Telegraph editorial, the leaders of the G8 appear totally committed to slashing carbon emissions, even though scientists are starting to have second thoughts. Calling their views "cuckoo" the editorial noted:

"If the G8's leaders genuinely wanted to cut carbon emissions by 50 per cent over the next 40 years, this would mean taking steps they haven't even begun to contemplate. It would require such a drastic cut in our energy use and standard of living that their peoples would have risen up in mass revolt long before the target was reached."

Shockingly, George Bush was given the only accolade the editorial had for the summiteers, stating:

"And nothing better shows up the unreality of all this - as President Bush tried to point out in the summit's only flash of honesty - than the fact that China (not represented at the G8, although it now has the world's fourth largest economy) is already putting out more CO2 than anyone else. As it builds two new coal-fired power stations a week, China has no more intention than India of joining the Western economic suicide club."

Just what is the optimum temperature of the Earth, anyway? Are we really sure enough of the science on this to risk crashing the economies of the major Western powers? Its not as though our economy is in such great shape that we could risk an additional setback.

Frankly, most people won't long stand for policies that stunt economic growth and cause energy prices to rise. There have already been signs that Americans are beginning to move away from radical environmentalism.

Not a moment too soon.

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