Saturday, July 5, 2008

More From Hanson

OK, OK, I know I'm always pushing Victor Davis Hanson on you. But you have to read this essay by VDH from the National Review Online (courtesy of Real Clear Politics).

This piece is basically his Fourth of July reminder that we live in America, not simply the greatest country on Earth, but the greatest country in the entire history of the planet!

Not only do I agree with Hanson, but he backs up his opinions with factual, historical arguments. I only wish some of the whiners out there would read stuff like this and be embarrassed for themselves. Maybe if they stopped looking for someone to solve all of their problems, they might realize that we have it pretty good in America.

Moreover, I wish we had a couple of members of Congress who would stop playing partisan politics and take the steps Hanson writes about, which could correct the problems we do have. It might be nice, for example, if we had fewer Congressional hearings on steroid use in baseball and more work on real issues.

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