Friday, July 25, 2008

Dollinger on Lonsberry

Democratic State Senate candidate Richard Dollinger filled in today on Bob Lonsberry's show broadcast by WHAM radio.

I wished I could have listened to all of the show and had time to call in. Dollinger spoke approvingly of Barak Obama and indicated his belief that electing Obama would result in "the change we all need" in Washington.

I would loved to have asked Mr. Dollinger what specific changes he was expecting as a result of an Obama presidency. It would be good to hear someone articulate just what specifically Obama should be reasonably expected to do as President.

Mr. Dollinger also spoke of needed changes in Albany. I guess he hopes to be part of the change. I'd like to know if Mr. Dollinger thinks that we should expect anything new from Sheldon Silver, or if the only change really needed in Albany is a turn to complete Democrat control of State government.

Dollinger spent much of his opening remarks talking about the Hilton Fireman's festival. He lauded the Village of Hilton and the Hilton firemen. He spoke of how vital they were to creating the sense of community in Hilton. I wonder if he has an opinion on local government consolidation? The Democrats in Albany and in the County Legislature and the Democrat & Chronicle editorial page, regularly insist that we have too many local government units, like the Village of Hilton and the Hilton Fire District.

So which is it, Mr. Dollinger? Do you support these entities or do you support consolidation? Or, do you have one view as a candidate but plan to act on a different one if you are elected? Maybe that would explain why you are so supportive of Mr. Obama. Running one way but planning to govern another is right out of Obama's playbook.


Anonymous said...


Glad to see some wind in your blogging sails - finally out of the horse lattitudes! As someone who will vote for the Senator from Illinois, let me give at least one answer to your question.
Foreign Policy: We have already seen the change. How refreshing to see a future President greeted in Europe with joy- with glee- with support. America is joined in every fashion with the entire globe. How important that the earth's nations see America as it is- the shining city on a hill that RR spoke about. What a change that will be from how the world saw us under Bush. That's for starters.

2. I believe we will see a more focused struggle against terrorists. I believe that the contest will be based on the security, economic and political interests of the USA but that the world nations will be on our side in the struggle. This will take place largley by the respect and lack of arrogance with which we deal with nations. Another change.
The wordage will change. We will quit with the "in your face" "bring it on" rhetoric that so alienates people and nations. It will no longer be presented as a "war on terror." ( a meaningless label that says nothing) There will be quiet killings of extreme elements yes. But we will use every available tool to win the hearts and minds of the "silent majority" of Moslems throughout the world. Another change.
3. Finally, we will see a the world coming together to work with Iran regarding the building of its economy and the moderation of it's aggressive policies. We will constantly be in dialogue with all elements of Iran. We will be an important player in the team of nations that will free Iran from its crazy leaders. Iran will not have weapons of mass destruction. However, the tactic to achieve that will be entirely different than the bellicose attitude of the Bush white house.
The focus will be on what we as the shining city on the hill are FOR in terms of the people of Iran, not what we are against.
Finally, an awe inspiring, lethal, deadly military will stand quietly ready to kill and leave the area when and only when our security or the security of our Allies is immediately threatened . If the military is used- it will be used with such unimaginable fury - that no nation will ever want to engage it. Another change, from the we can "do it on the cheap" military of Bush.

Quite a bit of change, I would say- and only one small area.

repoman said...


I suppose I would endorse most of your agenda for the future. I just don't understand what makes you think this is Obama's agenda.

I have been unable to make out any specific policy ideas. More ominously, I hear in his speeches a real tendency to blame America for world problems; his speech in Germany was basically "America under Bush has really sucked but I'll change all that". His language made me think he was running for European Union President.

I believe Obama is going to become President and he is going to be a colossal failure. He won't be able to spin his ultra-liberalism once he starts acting instead of talking. He's a one-termer, whose lasting impacts will be in the liberal judges he foists on the country and the liberal agenda the Congress will enact with him in the White House.

I haven't been this worried about the future since I came of voting age. I truly fear the ramifications of the Obama White House lined up with a very liberal Congress