Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's Good For The Goose

President Obama and Mexico's President Calderon both spoke out against the Arizona Immigration Law. At least Calderon has an excuse. For Mexico, illegal immigration to the U.S. by excess workers is a safety valve. But what is Obama thinking?

I think its typical of his aggogance. He doesn't care that a clear majority of Americans do not support his ideas about comprehensive immigration reform. He knows they are just bitter clingers. He's sure that if he just tells us what he thinks enough times, we'll finally understand. He ought to check the effect that support for immigration reform had on George W. Bush's approval numbers.

But back to Calderon. He was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. He initially criticised the Arizona Law, saying it violated human rights. Then, however, when asked by Blitzer Calderon if Mexican police asked people for "their papers", he quickly acknowledged that they did. Blitzer then asked if foreigners who entered the country illegally could stay in Mexico. Calderon all but scoffed, saying that they could not.

So, apparently, the law of a US State which is less severe than Mexico's law is discriminatory, while Mexico's Law is apparently fair and reasonable. I don't get it.


Unknown said...

The world has told us in the U.S. that we are arrogant, selfish, and intolerant pigs. They do this so that we will soften up and then they can take from us while never surrendering their principals, this is a prime example. We know that we give back to the world more than any other nation but yet we are despised…really…really? I just think that we are now the fat pudgy kid that everyone gets to pick on. We should go on a diet and shed a few pounds, lift some weights and once again but a pillar of strength for the world. After all there are two types of people in this world; Americans and those that wish to be Americans.

Al said...

Good post...
Hey Mr. Obama, secure our borders...can you hear us now?!