Saturday, January 27, 2007

Against the Surge: Courage or Posturing?

As you probably know, the Democrats in the Foreign Relations Committee (along with GOP member of the "I'm running for President Sub-Committee", Chuck Hagel) voted to pass a resolution stating that sending more troops to Iraq was not in the best interests of national security. Of course, they all went out of their way to point out that they support the troops in Iraq, just not the mission (and, I guess it goes without saying, the Commander-in-Chief).

Two articles in the past few days have differing takes on the vote. Peggy Noonan, writing in the Wall Street Journal, found Sen. Hagel's stance "gutsy". You can read the article, "He's Got Guts", at Diana West had a far less positive view of the proceedings. Her article, "In Limbo on Iraq", was published in the Washington Times. Access her column at

Ms. West finds our policy in Iraq flawed but she has nothing but contempt for opponents to the plan who offer nothing but criticism and platitudes in lieu of alternatives or true opposition. She clearly sees the political opportunism and posturing contained in a "symbolic" resolution. If there is a good reason to oppose the policy, then oppose it. Offer your alternative plan and risk the consequences that result.

Ms. Noonan applauds Sen. Hagel and, by implication, the other Senators who voted with him for his guts and willingness to take an unpopular stand. Unpopular stand? They are criticizing a policy that a wide majority don't like and opposing a President with an approval rating under 30%. Wow, what profiles in courage these people are displaying. It couldn't be that all of these Presidential contenders looked at their weekly polls and crafted the "no risk-no responsibility" resolution that was passed. Gosh, I can really see why this bunch thinks that there's a Prez. among them!

Sorry, Ms. Noonan, I don't get your point at all. I will not applaud Sen. Hagel or his gang of wannabe Presidents for scolding their fellow Senators and Congressmen for not acting sooner or for, once again, saying the President is wrong but continuing to do nothing concrete about it.

When one of these lions of the Senate wants to step up to the plate and take real action with real consequences, let me know. After I get over the shock, maybe I'll consider clapping.

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