Monday, June 18, 2007

Bush Goes 0-for-5

As I was looking through my closet for a shirt yesterday, I came across my Hugh Hewitt tee-shirt and stared wistfully at the words written across it.

As you probably know, Hugh Hewitt is a very successful writer, commentator, blogger, and radio talk show host. He wrote a book a couple of years ago entitled "Painting The Map Red". The book contained his "recipe" for the GOP to take firm control of the country.

The shirt has the five basic prescriptions from the book emblazoned across its back:

Win the War
Cut the Taxes
Control the Spending
Confirm the Judges
Secure the Border

It is incredible to realize that had the President and the GOP Congressional majority taken those steps, they would still be the majority party today. Instead, the GOP, ineptly led by the President and his administration, failed on all five counts. As a result, the Democrat party was rescued from the wilderness and it is the Republicans who are in retreat.


Anonymous said...

The Presidency of George Bush is a failure of such immense proportion, it demands to be analyzed. Your concern is what it has done to the Republican Party. My concern is for the country and the difficult challenges left in the wake of his departure. Yes, we have overcome lousy Presidents in our history - even a series of lousy Presidents. Overcoming the Bush era will not be easy. Democrat or Republican must do the following: Assert throughout the world that we are a nation that respects all people and all religions. We are a moral nation - not moralistic. We will fight when necessary but we are not militaristic. Be it a shining city on a hill, a bright star in a dark night- America must once again be a beacon of hope to all people of the world. George Bush and his ilk have made America look like just another industrialized country. They have even managed to make our powerful military look second rate and beatable. We must first and formmost come togehter as a nation, re-affirm some basic national characteristics that Bush and company have trampled upon. We will then be able to resume our place in the world as a leader and an inspiriation to all. Armed with the spirt of who we are as a people, let the real war against terroists begin. Suicide bombers and merchants of death will not stand when shown the power of liberty, freedom and human dignity. As I have said for many years- George Bush and his band of phonies- just don't get it. In the final analysis - America is about a spirit - about the deep yearning for freedom felt by all people of the world. That is who we are. It is what we must once again be to others.

repoman said...

Many good points, Anonymous, although some of your conclusions may be (hopefully) overstated.

I was focused on the effects of Bush/GOP Congress' errors on the party's prospects. While I agree that many of those "mistakes" have also caused us trouble in the world, I probably disagree as to the nature and extent of the mistakes and results.

For example, I think Bush was right, in theory, on the Iraq War and the War on Terror. The errors (in my view) came in the utterly incompetent prosecution of those efforts.