Monday, June 18, 2007

"Shocked, Shocked" Over Prayer at Greece Meeting

Today's Democrat and Chronicle carried a story about the complaint of "a Brighton resident" who was "shocked" to hear a prayer invoking the name of Jesus at a January 16th meeting of the Greece Town Board.

I had previously heard about this story back at the time it happened. I had never heard the reason why the "Brighton resident" was at the meeting. Today's story cleared it up.

The "shocked" Brightonian is one Nancy Braiman, who just happens to be co-coordinator of the Rochester Civil Liberties Coalition, which includes the local ACLU. Linda Stephens of Greece also complained. Ms. Stephens, coincidentally, is a member of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Thus, it would appear that the purpose for their being at the meeting was simply to be "shocked" and "offended". Funny how this offensive conduct didn't offend any persons with actual business before the Town Board during the 30+ years they had been having a prayer to start the meeting. Thank God (oh, no, sorry) thank goodness for the ACLU to point out the problem!

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