Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Times They Are A-Changin!

I guess we should shed a tear for formerly Great Britain. And, perhaps, think about what the future holds for societies that will not stand up to radical Islam.

Britain knighted Salman Rushdie of "The Satanic Verses" fame. (Why, I can't imagine.) The predictable result: outrage among Moslems world-wide as well as in Britain. What was far less predictable was a protest in England which included burning Queen Elizabeth in effigy! I would think that such an act would have been unthinkable in England in the not-so-distant past. Today, apparently, as with the abduction of British seaman, such acts are met with a meow rather than a roar from the British lion.

Sadly, formerly Great Britain was our only significant ally in the war aginst radical Islamic terror. I guess we will have to go it alone.


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais

Anonymous said...


You seem to be"hung up" on what you call the "War against radical Islam." You appear to see radical Moslems everwhere- each intended to destroy us.

It all harps back to the days when people were asked - "Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party." Lives were destroyed- careers made and lost on the back of this tiger.
At that time the Communists had seized control of Eastern Europe- brutally murdered millions- a death campaign that puts your "radical Islamists" to shame.

Can we reframe - change the angle- adjust the light- Can we stop talking about the "War Against..." and start talking about a "Campaign to Promote Religious Tolerance" We know what we are against. By focusing on that- we will only create more of that- A simple rule exists- what you focus on grows- focus on your studies your grades improve- focus on eating right and exercising- your health improve- focus on being loving -you create love . Focus on "War Against" and you will create conflict and intolerance.

I am no boy scout. I know that force- in this age- quick, deadly, quiet - covert -force is necessary. On the other hand- it is time to set out on a new campaingn not to go to "War Against" but a campaing to promote religious tolerance throughout the world. Like food- so much is dependent upon presentation. You "Neos" really neeed to listen to some complex jazz. We have fought the "War against drugs for 37 years (Nixon) to-no avail. Let's campaign for freedom- liberty- human dignity. End "The War Against- by closing GITMO. Start the Campaign by letting the people of Iran know we stand with them in their desire for liberty, happiness and fulfilling lives. We need not publicly mention Iran's gov't. Just quiety kill the crazies when necessary and doable. Our strength -our weapon- is the promotion of who we are!

repoman said...


I guess I'll use Rudy's terminology: Its the terrorists war on us.

We were under attack by radical Islam long before their were "neo-cons". A few examples:

Iran hostage taking - 1979
Attack on Marine Barracks Beriut - 1984
First World Trade Center Attack - 1993
Khobar Towers - 1996
USS Cole - 2000
9/11 - 2001

Meanwhlie, as far as the Communists being far more murderous, I'd bet the numbers killed in Iraq by Saddam, by Khomeni and his followers in Iran, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and the non-muslim victims in Darfur, are comparable.

Look, I assume that you agree that there are some serious bad guys out there. You obviously think we have handled our fight with them in the wrong way. I agree with you. I think we were not aggressive enough. You're right that we weren't smart enough in this fight either.

Finally, I do see radical Moslems everywhere. In Europe, the Moslems are openly demonstrating for Sharia Law; burning buses in France, effigies of Queen E. in London, threatening cartoonists in Holland. In the US, the "flying Imams" were clearly trying to draw a reaction from airline personnel and passengers; in Minneapolis, Moslem cabbies won't take passengers with alcohol in their bags or with animals, including seeing-eye dogs.

Religious tolerance exists only in the West. Moslems do not accept us infidels, and they never will.

Sorry, I believe this is, in fact, an existential threat that will only be decided by an out and out clash of civilizations. Bush blew round one, but at least we are now fighting back.