Sunday, October 14, 2007

All The News That's Fit?

The decline of the New York Times from America's newspaper of record to left-wing fish-wrapper continues apace.

Times' columnist Frank Rich reached a new low in his op-ed piece today. He basically stated that Americans who support the Bush Administration are like the Germans who did nothing while Hitler and the Nazis committed their countless horrors while launching war and genocide across Europe.

Comparing Bush to Hitler, the GOP to the Nazi party, and Americans to Germans who sat next to concentration camps and protested that they knew nothing, is beneath the dignity of most left-wing "fever-swamp" bloggers. But here we have the spectacle of a (prominent?) columnist writing in a (great?) newspaper, equating Americans to Nazis!

Are there any editors at the Times? Do they even read their own paper? Can anyone with a rational mind wonder why the Times' circulation continues to plummet?

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