Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bush,GOP Risk Immigration Waterloo

The news has broken that a deal on an immigration bill has been reached.

Given the fact that Senator Kennedy made the announcement, I'm not very encouraged that the "deal" is going to be one I can support. The President is committed to "comprehensive immigration reform", as is Senator John McCain. Comprehensive immigration reform includes a vast guest worker program and effective amnesty for the 12 million or so illegal aliens already in the country. The border fence which was approved last year will probably never be built. I'll be surprised if any of the "tough rules" on the "road to citizenship" will ever be enforced.

This is a colossal mistake. Our nation, our society, is based on the melting pot. Allowing guest workers and allowing amnesty for illegals will irrevocably change the country. We will become a balkanized, regionalized collection of groups squabbling over control of the country.

I cannot understand George W. Bush. He has steadfastly resisted calls for surrender in Iraq, but he acquiesces completely regarding surrender of our border. His chances for rehabilitation by future historians grows bleaker by the minute. Meanwhile, GOP members of Congress voting for this deal may as well start making tee times for January, 2009, because they are not likely to remain in office.

We need Rudy Giuliani as President more than ever. Rudy is committed to border security. He also believes we should welcome immigrants but that a guest worker program will create a disgruntled fifth column in our country.

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