Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Election Over, D&C Returns To #1 Agenda Item

Namely, local government consolidation.

Yesterday's Op-Ed piece on the "courageous" effort in the Village of Holley to consider the abolition of its police force contained another dig at Gates residents, who were previously admonished by D&C editorialists for wanting to have both our own police force and lower government expenditures. This time the paper effectively denigrated the Gates Police as being of little use beyond unlocking cars in the Wal-Mart parking lot.

I have it on good authority that the Chief of Police and many of his officers are none too pleased. I expect that we will soon see a rebuttal (if the paper will print it). The D&C did not print an LTE from the president of the Gates Keystone Club critical of last year's anti-Gates PD editorial.

The D&C just doesn't like dissenting voices, particularly on the government consolidation issue. Jim Lawrence and Tom Tobin are determined to push this point as far as possible.

This is their signature agenda item, as I have previously noted. Expect more of the same. Lots more.


Unknown said...

I was wondering if you would try to pin this on Hilary.

Jeez, if Hilary is as all-powerful as her detracters say, she'd already be president.

More importantly, if she was a part of the change in Spitzer's policy, could it be an example of her ability to get things done?

My problem with Edwards and Obama is that I think they are making promises they can't keep.

Unknown said...

Oops, this is my response to the Spitzer thing.