Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"Steamroller" Gets Rolled

The blogosphere is filled with reaction to Elliot Spitzer's about-face on driver licenses for illegal aliens. NRO had two that I found particularly interesting.

The first is by Mark Krikorian and is entitled "an offer he couldn't refuse". Kerkorian wonders if Hillary Clinton had anything to do with the Governor's retreat. After all, it was her four-way flip-flop on the Spitzer plan that precipitated her recent debate fiasco. She could not have relished the idea of defending Spitzer's plan during the presidential campaign.

The second article is by John Derbyshire. His piece is about what he characterizes as the Great Elite Back-Down Issue. His view is that immigration has been the biggest issue separating the elites from the rest of us. The reaction of us "average Joe's" has surprised "clueless" members of the elites and has forced them to back away from their position on the subject.

There are many more columns and editorials about Spitzer's debacle. Maybe next time, he'll try a little harder to get a read on what the people want before he takes the plunge.

UPDATE: On the lighter side, here's the Scrappleface entry on the topic.


Unknown said...

I was wondering if you would try to pin this on Hilary.

Jeez, if Hilary is as all-powerful as her detracters say, she'd already be president.

More importantly, if she was a part of the change in Spitzer's policy, could it be an example of her ability to get things done?

My problem with Edwards and Obama is that I think they are making promises they can't keep.

repoman said...

I didn't try to pin it on Hillary, I am just reporting someone else's view. (It wouldn't surprise me, though). There were other pundits who had similar views.

The real reason this had so much traction in New York was that Spitzer was so arrogant about doing this no matter what the people of the state wanted. He had to eat some serious crow.

Meanwhile, why worry about Edwards, Obama, and the rest? Hillary is going to cruise to the nomination. She also has to be the odds on favorite to be elected President in 2008. The only Republicans with enough appeal to moderates to give her a run for her money (Rudy and McCain) may not be able to get nominated.

You should be happy about her chances.