Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm Not Sure Walsh Is A Republican, But He's Not A Conservative

So say Tom Cook and Jim Quinn, Conservative Party Chairmen of Monroe and Wayne Counties, respectively, as quoted by the Syracuse Post-Standard.

Cook only recently learned that Congressman Walsh was actually a RINO:

"I was shocked when I began analyzing his record," said Cook, the Monroe County chair for 28 years. "It's only when he did the anti-war thing that I began looking into it."

If Tom had read this blog he would have learned the facts on Walsh much sooner.

Cook was quite vehement, however, in his denunciation of Walsh, saying:

"This guy writes me a letter and says he's not a conservative," Cook said Wednesday. "Never in my 28 years as chair has anybody ever written me a letter to ask for an endorsement and say he's not a conservative. He's pro-life, which is nice, but we're not the Right-to-Life Party."

Mr. Quinn also expressed his dismay at Walsh's faulty conservative credentials:

"We've always had a cool relationship with him regarding his voting record," Quinn said. "The flip-flop on the war in Iraq was the straw that broke the camel's back."

It is not completely clear whether or not the loss of support of Cook and Quinn will assure Walsh gets no Conservative Party endorsement. There are 10 Counties in Walsh's district. The State Conservative Chairman, Michael Long, has yet to weigh in and the Onondaga County Chair, Austin Olmstead offered a note of possible support.

The issue is critical for Walsh who narrowly won re-election in 2006. His margin of victory was less than the approximately 7,200 votes he got on the Conservative line. As I pointed out in July, its quite clear that Walsh doesn't understand who his supporters really are.


Anonymous said...


So Mr. Cook hands out his "cult's" endorsement without studying the record of the person he is supporting? What political party has had the same "chair" for 28 years? The organization is either the personal business of that one chair or it is one hell of a stagnant entity.
68% of this country's population want out of Iraq, poll as of November 8, 2007.
The issue is not raising passion anymore because it has been decided. Much like the issue of choice, which is and will remain the law of the land. It no longer creates passion except within the far right "I'm saved- your're a sinner" population. The Iraq war is done. It was what it was. Did it make the US safer? Probably not.
Congressman Walsh knows that this sentiment is mainstream. He knows that unless he is "riding his horse in the middle of the creek" he will not stand a chance next year. The future is now about developing a post Iraq war plan - not being stuck in a war that did not produce the results for which its misguided planners had hoped. Mr. Walsh apparently knows that.

repoman said...


You're way off base here.

The Conservative Party is a cult? Being conservative about life and about national security makes you a Kool-Aid drinker?

Give me a break. The country was far better off when being pregnant out-of-wedlock was a reason for shame. I'm sure you know the statistics, people who graduate from high school, have no children outside marriage, and get married and stay married, almost never live in poverty. Those who drop out, have illegitimate children, stay unmarried and/or get divorced, are almost always living in poverty.

As I indicated in previous comments, you are wrong about Iraq. If the American people become fully aware of the chance to have a positive outcome, they will rally around the flag.

On Walsh, puhleeeze! He will not be in the next Congress. He will either decide to retire or the voters he abandoned will retire him. He's lost the conservative vote whether or not he gets the nomination.

Finally, about Tom Cook's long tenure. You can call it "stagnant" if you like (remember, conservatives don't like a lot of change), but there is another explanation. Cook is one of the most successful politicians in the State. His endorsement is the margin of victory far more often than not.