Saturday, November 3, 2007

Good News Is No News?

That is the sub-title of a Times of London article about the very real success that's been occurring in Iraq since General Petraeus took over and changed our military strategy.

The article points out how little of this "good news" makes it through the "conventional wisdom" of the press who have been convinced that Iraq is a hopelessly lost cause. The Times also points out that many Democrats in Congress and running for President have invested a lot into the Iraq "quagmire narrative".

There may be problems for Democrats in 2008 if Iraq does turn around and the Democrats look like the party that wrote off the military too soon. Americans hate to lose; that could cost defeatist Democrats at the polls.

UPDATE - 11/8: Here are the links to the New York Times and Washington Post articles I cited in the comments section. For some reason, the links did not work on the comments page.


Anonymous said...


The American people are way- way ahead of you. The Iraq situation is a closed case. America is leaving - of that there is no argument- only the timetable. The judgement of the people is that the war was not worth it, was executed terribly and has not stymied terroists. That verdict is in and there is nothing on the ground that can change that. Bush gambled his presidency on it and clearly it was lousy policy.

Likewise, as I've said in this space, Iran is not the front and center threat at this time. It can be dealth with primarily through trade. The number one problem country has been and still is Pakistan. Clearly Bush has demonstrated that he can get in bed with a ruthless dictator. Let's hope he holds his nose and stays with the bastard now running Pakistan. A stable Pakistan is in our national interest. Let's hope that wimpy George will stand with our ally- yes a cruel, power hungry dictator. He may be a SOB but he is our SOB. All the neo-conservatives lamenting the death of democracy in Pakistan need to be ignored. Stand with the dictator! I hate to break their ever so delicate hearts at the White House- but in this cruel, tough world - we need cruel, tough, even bad men- on our side.

Anonymous said...


Just a thought on your man Rudy. What a hack! Really! Going down ( a deliberate choice of words) to get the endorsement of Pat Robertson. Please! How embarassing to his campaign - or at least it should be. If he has to Kow-tow to the Christian Right- at least perform the act on someone who is not an out and out looney tune. In his heart, he KNOWS that Robertson is a nut.
Way to go Rudy- it really shows he's a man of conviction.
All the more it makes me realize that the future belongs (hopefully) to a new more candid generation - not these old has beens like McCain, Giuliani and Thompson. Just where are the young Republican candidates, anyway.?

repoman said...


You are all over the place with your comments. I have many reactions.


I think the idea that Iraq is a closed case is completely wrong. The American people want out to the extent that they have been convinced by the media and politicians like Harry Reid, that "the war is lost". Well, Petraeus strategy has been paying off. Slowly but surely, the good news is leaking out. Today even the New York Times and the Washington Post had good news from Iraq (buried of course in the back pages, but there, nonetheless).

The American people want to win the war in Iraq. If they get the whole story and it keeps improving, even George Bush may see some improvement in his ratings.


This is a real problem. I happen to agree that we should give Musharref a chance to get the country under control. The radicals are really close to power in a state with nuclear weapons. I may not like strongman tactics but if al-qaeda takes over Pakistan, there is no doubt they would use the nukes.


Give the guy a break. What did he allegedly do or say that you characterize as a sell-out? Pat Robertson said Rudy isn't perfect, he's not pro-life, but he's better than the alternative (read: Ms. Hillary).

The more people go after Rudy, the more convinced I become that he's going to get the nomination. People don't attack the guys they think have no chance.