Thursday, November 29, 2007

More F.A.I.R. Journalism

I wonder if Democrat & Chronicle reporter Jill Terreri gets a stipend from the Monroe County School Boards Association.

I commented on her report in Sunday's Democrat on the effects of F.A.I.R. on school districts. As I noted, her "news story" was basically a rehash of the school districts' position papers on the topic. There was nothing new or newsworthy in the story.

Today, Ms. Terreri managed to go herself one better. She reported that neither Maggie Brooks nor any administration representative attended a "non-partisan" forum on the issue in Brighton. Surprisingly, the representatives of the Brighton School District are against the plan and taxpayers expressed concerns that school taxes might increase as a result. Thank goodness for this report. How would we have ever guessed what happened at the forum without the D&C?

Seriously, I can't believe these two stories were considered news. At best, they are repetitions of old news and information on this issue. At worst, they amount to pro-school district, anti-Brooks propaganda. Worse, this report wasn't even the first report on the issue. The RochesterTurning Blog had the story first (referring to a WXXI report). So it wasn't even fresh propaganda.

To use an old line: calling the D&C a fish wrapper is being unfair to fish wrappers.

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